If you want to make an appointment you can phone or call at the office in person.人们必须相信彼此有能力履行他们老板交待的任务。 People have to have faith in each other's ability to carry out the task their boss has set them.他们必须相信,每个人都会完成自己的那部分工作。 They have to trust that everyone will do their part of the job.这就好比试图在工作面试时弄清一个人的个性如何。 It's like trying to find out what someone's personality is like in a job interview.即使你试了,也只能等到他们真的开始工作以后才能弄清他们真正如何。 Even if you try, you won't find out what they're really like until they actually start work.在大多数的面试中,你通常会问候选人关于他们的爱好和他们业余时间喜欢做什么的问题。 In most interviews you usually ask candidates questions about their hobbies and what they like doing in their spare time. 唔,可以说它确实能让你了解申请人的一些性格。 "Well, arguably it does give you a bit of information about an applicant's character." 候选人必须在选拔过程中的某个时间把它们填好,通常就在面试前。They have to be filled out by the candidates some time during the selection procedure, often just before an interview.现在可用的测试大约有八万种,几乎三分之二的大型企业都在使用。 There are about 80,000 different tests available now and almost two thirds of the large employers use them.